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"NULLE PRISON N’ ENFERMERA TON POEM» anthology against censorship and suppression released!

Happy to announce the release of "NULLE PRISON N’ ENFERMERA TON POEM» An anthology of world poetry against censorship and suppression! This anthology published in French by Oxyiba Publications in France.

Poetry resists so that freedom can be achieved for everyone!

I would like to thank all the poets who have sent us poems in this movement and declared their solidarity with Afghan poets by writing poems. This is a poetic protest against the restriction, suppression and censorship of art in Afghanistan. Your presence with poetry and words has given meaning to this movement!

A large part of these poems has been translated into French by Cecile Oumhani, that deeply appreciate her cooperation and comprehensive efforts in supporting the Baamdaad movement!

Also, thanks to the translation of Elizabeth Guyon Spennato, Benyamin Aghhavani-Shajari and Franck Merger and a special thanks for Carole Carcillo Mesrobian for her support to publishing this Anthology!

The poets who contributed to the anthology will receive specific information about how to get the book.

Ten Afghan voices open this book and eighty-five voices from all over the world express their solidarity and their unwavering attachment to poetry.

Names of poets whose poems are published in the book:

Ahmad Behrad, Karima Shabrang, Tamana Mehrzad, Farkhondeh Sholeh, Tamim Hamid, Hayatullah Rahyab, Abdolhakim Azimi, Sahel Seraj, Zahed Mostafa, Abhi Subedi, Akira Okawada, Alshaad Kara, Anahita Habibi, Ananda Devi, Anne Hopkinson, Anne Vegter, Bongani Zungu, Carole Carcillo Mesrobian, Cécile Oumhani, Chiran C, Christopher Merrill, Claudine Bertrand, Colette Klein, Daniel G.Scott, David Bokolo, Davide Minotti, Denise Desautels, Dilara Rinki, Dianne L. Knox, Eriko Tsugawa, Eveline Caduc,

Evie Groch, Francisco Manuel Freyre, Fukudapero, Golan Haji, Goro Takano, Hafid Gafaïti, Haruka Tunnel, Hoda Hili, Ishmail Kamara, Jantine Dijkstra, Jennifer Evans, Joz Knoop, Juan C. Tajes, Judith R. Duncan, Juichi Noguchi, Kamani Jayasekera, Katherine E. Young, Kayes Syed, Koichi Uematsu, Kuno Takahiro, Kurita Taniwaki, Lawdenmarc Decamora, Lidija Dimkovska, Lise Gauvin, Louise L. Lambrichs, Lui Montes, Lyliane Lajoinie, Madeleine Monette, Mahtab Ghorbani , Mariem Garali Hadoussa, Marie-Rose Abomo-Mvondo Maurin, Mark Boninsegna, Martine L. Jacquot, Mette Moestrup, Miku Hayama,

Miwa Ota, Nassira Belloula, Neela Nath Das, Nijo Cenka, Norbert Hischhorn, Nozomu Shibata, Nyanc, Ömer Erdem, Onaiita, Patrick Quillier, Richard L. Kenney, Roopa R., Sagawa Aki, Seema Avas, Shelly Bhoil, Shirani Rajapakse, Signe Kierkegaard Cain, Sumire Yuzuhira, Susan Alexander, Tagayasu Mori, Takahoso Genichi,Tarik Günersel, Thibault Jacquot-Paratte, Vinith Bhandari, Yoshiya Asato, Yumi Fuzuki, Yumiko AOKI, Yuri Miki, Ziabul Ebon.

For Freedom

Somaia Ramish

Founder of Baamdaad – Houis of Poetry in Exile


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